All in One
AI productivity tools
on your Chrome tab

DeepTab is your ultimate AI toolset integrated directly in your Chrome tab and sidebar, offering GPT-3.5 powered assistance on anypage to enhance your productivity.

  • AI-Enhanced Browsing

    Experience transformative web browsing with DeepTab's advanced AI. Seamless integration for a revolutionary online journey.

  • Interactive AI Chat

    Engage in real-time with DeepTab's AI chat, available in your new tab or sidebar. Convenient AI assistance at your fingertips.

  • Instant AI Search

    Quick access to Perplexity, Bing, You, and more. Connect to various search engines instantly from your new tab page.

  • Dynamic Daily Wallpapers

    Brighten your day with stunning wallpapers. Fresh and visually appealing updates for your desktop.

  • Comprehensive AI Navigation

    Navigate the AI world with a directory of AI-related websites. Your gateway to AI resources and information.

  • Try DeepTab Free

    Explore the future of browsing with DeepTab's free trial. Experience unmatched efficiency tailored to your preferences.

Frequently asked questions

Everything you need to know

What is DeepTab?
DeepTab is your ultimate AI toolset integrated directly in your Chrome tab and sidebar, offering GPT-3.5 powered assistance on anypage to enhance your productivity.
Is this app free?
DeepTab provides 30 trial credits per day for free accounts. To obtain more credits, you can purchase a subscription account.
Do students get education discounts?
Yes! If you're a student or teacher with an edu email, email us at [email protected] to receive a 30% education discount code.
Can I request a refund?

Subscribers can cancel subscription at anytime, with cancellations taking effect after the current billing cycle ends.

Please ensure to fully evaluate our services before subscribing, as our high GPU processing costs prevent us from offering refunds.

Something we didn't cover? We're happy to have feedback .